Thursday 22 October 2015

NASA Training for the Moon Landings

Training for Apollo Moon Missions, Although very different to the actual space suits worn, they simulated what it was like. NASA needed to come up with interesting and ingenious ways to train their astronauts.
1962 Fritz Goro for Life Magazine

Wednesday 21 October 2015

SR-71 Pilots on Full Pressure Suits

SR-71 & Pilots in Full Pressure Suits at Lockheed Martin, taken in the late 1980’s. They look like they could be aliens. Look at the similarities to the space technology. Similar styles, and similar technology.
Photo by Eric Schulzinger

Saturday 4 July 2015

The Final Salute - J.F.K Funeral

On November 22 1963, in Dallas Texas, the 35th president of the United States of America; John F. Kennedy was assassinated. A hugely famous moment in the minds of the American people. His son J.F.K Jr was almost 3 years old, with his birthday being the 25th, the day of the state funeral. This picture captures one of the most iconic moments of the 1960s. As the flag-draped casket was carried out from St. Matthew's Cathedral, John Jr. stepped forward and rendered a final salute.

Interestingly enough, the family still went home and continued the plans for a birthday-party, purely to demonstrate that the Kennedys would still go on despite the tragic death of their father.

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Jonestown - Peoples Temple Agricultural Project

An aerial photograph of "Jonestown", the informal name of Peoples Temple Agricultural Project, in northwestern Guyana. Its notably known for the events of on November 18, 1978, when 909 people participated in an apparent "mass suicide", by drinking kool aid laced with cyanide.